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Birds close to water

We end this outing, by the sea and the marshes! Have you seen all the species that are close to the water !! ??

The birds present in the vicinity of the water are:

- Little egret - Red-necked grebe

- The elegant avocet - The common crane

- The osprey - The European bee-eater

- The black-tailed godwit - The whiskered tern

- The red barge - The black tern

- The woodcock - The common guillemot

- The Common Sandpiper - The Eurasian Duck

- Temminck's Sandpiper - Goose Merganser

- Red knot - Red merganser

- The sandpiper minute - The harle piette

- The sanderling - The gray heron

- the dunlin - Heron guards beef

- The purple sandpiper - The purple heron

- Common snipe - Bank swallow

- The deaf snipe - The oystercatcher

- The wagtail of the brooks - The ibis falcinelle

- The spring wagtail - The long-tailed skua

- Brent geese - Parasitic skua

- Pale-bellied Brent Goose - Pomarin Skua

- The Canada goose - The luscinioid locustelle

- The barnacle goose - The spotted locustelle

- The black-crowned night heron - The brown scotter

- Little Bittern - Black Scoter

- The bouscarle de Cetti - The punctate marouette

- The reed sparrow - The European kingfisher

- The zizi sparrow - The dwarf mergule

- The Common Harrier - The Black Kite

- The Marsh harrier - Sabine's seagull

- The Northern harrier - The melanocephalic gull

- Star bittern - Pygmy gull

- The chipeau duck - The black-headed gull

- Mallard duck - Kittiwake

- The mandarin duck - The redhead

- Northern pintail - Culblanc Oceanite

- The Eurasian Wigeon - The Storm Oceanite

- Shoveler duck - The screaming œ dicneme

- The barking knight - The short-billed goose

- The harlequin knight - The greylag goose

- The Culblanc Knight - The Harvest Goose

- Le chevalier gambette - The laughing goose

- The knight guignette - The Egyptian goose

- The sylvan knight - The mustache breadcrumbs

- The white stork - The small plover

- The black stork - The broad-billed phalarope

- The rush cisticola - The aquatic warbler

- The varied fighter - The rush phragmite

- The Great Crested Cormorant - The Flaying Shrike

- The ash curlew - The penguin twisted

- The whimbrel - The farlouse pipit

- Whooper swan - Maritime pipit

- Bewick's swan - Spioncelle's pipit

- The Black Swan - The Arctic Loon

- Mute swan - Red-throated loon

- The white hunt - The imbrin dive

- Common eider - Silver plover

- The ruddy duck - The golden plover

- The merlin falcon - The guignard plover

- The squirrel falcon - The swift puillot

- The peregrine falcon - The English shearwater

- The Northern Gannet - The Balearic Shearwater

- Eurasian coot - Sooty shearwater

- Common pochard - Water rail

- The milouinan scaup - Corncrake

- Tufted duck - Remiz penduline

- Common scaup - Black redstart

- The northern fulmar - The frightened rousserolle

- The common moorhen - The rousserolle verderolle

- The common goldeneye - Teal

- Herring gull - Summer teal

- The mayor gull - The canary cini

- The brown gull - The white spatula

- Common gull - Arctic tern

- The yellow-legged gull - The Caspian tern

- Black-backed gull - Sandwich tern

- Pontic gull - Roseate tern

- Blue throat - Little tern

- The great cormorant - The common tern

- The great plover - The casarca shelduck

- The great skua - The Belon shelduck

- The great egret - The meadowsweet

- The ring-necked plover - The shepherd's auger

- The black-necked grebe - The anteater torcol

- Little grebe - Ruddy turnstone

- Horned grebe - Northern wheatear

  - The great crested grebe - The crested lapwing


In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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