European kingfisher
The European kingfisher, by its scientific name Alcedo atthis, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, all of Asia, all of Oceania and Africa.
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It is part of the family of Alcédinidae, and of the order of Coraciiformes.
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He is recognizable by his head, a line under his eyes, his back and his tail entirely blue, his throat and a small spot on his white back and a line on his red eyes as well as his belly. Its beak is orange and black and its legs are orange.
In the European kingfisher, it is possible to recognize the male from the female. In fact, the male is either entirely light blue or entirely dark blue. The female is dark blue on almost all the wings except in the middle, where they are light blue.
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It feeds only on fish.
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The European kingfisher lives near lakes, ponds, marshes or other areas with shallow water.
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It nests in pairs, in a hole formed in the earth near the water. It lays about 5-7 eggs . In the year, there can be up to three spawns.
It is a rather talkative species.
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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.

European Kingfisher adult in winter plumage