Red-haired Godwit
The red-haired godwit, scientifically named Limosa lapponica, is a limicole (mud-loving) living throughout Europe, throughout Asia, Oceania, throughout North America, Central America, Brazil and almost all of Africa.
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It is a bird belonging to the Scolopacidae family and the Charadriiformes order.
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She is recognizable with her all-red, brown, white and black body. Its beak is black and pink and its legs are black.
In the red-haired godwit, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. In fact, the male has a red throat while that of the female is beige-brown.
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The Red Godwit feeds mainly on crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic insects.
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It lives in estuaries and in bays.
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It nests in pairs, on the ground. She lays 2 to 4 eggs .
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It is a fairly silent species except when it is on alert.
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On the conservation status of IUCN, it is: LC Least concern.
In the center of the photo, an adult male red-haired godwit in breeding plumage, surrounded by sandpipers (in front of him and behind) and a black-headed gull (bottom right of the image).