The Dunlin, scientifically named Calidris alpina, is a shorebird (which lives in mud) living all over the world except for a few countries in South Africa and South America.
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It is part of the Scolopacidae family, and of the order Charadriiformes.
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It is recognizable by its gray head and belly, brown back, black tail tip, and either gray and black or gray and white belly. Its beak and legs are black.
In the Dunlin, it is almost impossible to recognize the male from the female. In fact, the female is a little taller than the male.
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It feeds mainly on crustaceans, molluscs and insects.
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The Dunlin inhabits estuaries, lagoons, marshes and beaches.
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It nests in pairs, on the ground, hidden in the vegetation. It lays 3 to 4 eggs .
It is a fairly silent species.
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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.

Group of sandpipers