Gray heron
The gray heron, by its scientific name Ardea cinerea, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Africa throughout America, the Arctic, Asia and Oceania.
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It is a large wading bird belonging to the Ardeidae family and the order of the Pélecaniformes. It is the largest ardéid in Normandy.
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It is easily recognizable with its black egret, yellow-orange beak, gray, black and white plumage.
In flight, it is also recognizable, as it curls its neck, like most Ardeidae. Its flight is heavy and powerful.
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In the gray heron, it is very difficult to recognize the female from the male.
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It feeds mainly on fish, amphibians and invertebrates.
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The gray heron mainly inhabits wetlands. It is usually found solitary or sometimes in pairs, in shallow water.
The gray heron nests in the canopy of large trees, with other species such as other ardéidae ( little egret , great egret, etc.), cormorants, wading birds or even rooks. It lays between 3 and 5 eggs between the end of April and the beginning of May.
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He is very quiet and only screams when he flies away or is disturbed.
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The conservation status of this species by the IUCN is LC: Least Concern.
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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
Gray Heron adult in winter plumage,