White wagtail
The White Wagtail, scientifically named Motacilla cinerea, is a bird that lives all over the world, with the exception of South America, Central America, the Arctic, and Antarctica.
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It is a bird belonging to the Motacillidae family and the Passeriformes order.
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She is recognizable by her gray head and back, black or white throat, black tabby white wing tips, yellow and black tail and yellow belly. Its beak is black and its legs are pink.
In the gray wagtail, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. Indeed, the male has a black throat. This is not the case in the female, who has a white throat.
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The White Wagtail feeds primarily on insects and aquatic animals.
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It lives in all environments close to water.
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It nests in pairs, on rocks close to water or a small hole between two rocks (also close to water). She lays 4-6 eggs . In the year, there are, in general, two broods.
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It is a rather talkative species.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On the conservation status of IUCN, it is: LC Least concern.

Adult male Eurasian Wagtail breeding plumage

Juvenile gray wagtail in the nest

Juvenile gray wagtail first exit from the nest.