Crested lapwing
The crested lapwing, by its scientific name Vanellus vanellus, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America.
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It is part of the Charadriidae family, and of the order Charadriiformes.
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He is recognizable with his head, his crest and his black back, his white belly. Its legs are orange.
In the crested lapwing, it is possible to recognize the male from the female. Indeed, the male has a black head up to the eyes, this is not the case for the female.
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It feeds mainly on insects and other invertebrates.
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The crested lapwing lives in fields and meadows near water.
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It nests in pairs, on the ground. It lays about 4 eggs . In the year, there are one or two broods.
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It is a sometimes talkative, sometimes silent species.
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On the IUCN conservation status, it is: NT Near Threatened.
Adult crested lapwings in winter plumage