Little Grebe
The Little Grebe, by its scientific name Tachybaptus ruficollis, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.
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It is part of the Podicipédidae family, and of the order Podicipédiformes.
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It is recognizable with its black crown and back, brown nape, beige belly and a small white spot just above the beak (breeding plumage) otherwise, during its winter plumage, it is black and gray. Its beak and legs are black.
In the Little Grebe, it is impossible to recognize the male from the female.
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It feeds mainly on molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic insects.
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The Little Grebe lives in ponds and marshes.
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It nests in pairs hidden in the reeds. It lays about 5 to 6 eggs .
It is a fairly silent species.
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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.
Little Grebe adult breeding plumage fishing.
Little Grebe adult in winter plumage