Golden plover
The golden plover, by its scientific name Pluvialis apricaria, is a shorebird (a bird that lives and feeds in mud) that lives in Europe, North Africa, Asia, North America and Oceania.
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It is a shorebird that is part of the Charadriidae family and the Charadriiformes order.
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This bird is recognizable with its white and black body and its black wings stained with yellow. Its beak and legs are black.
In the golden plover, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. Indeed, the male has a black head while that of the female is brown and the male has a much blacker belly than that of the female.
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The golden plover feeds primarily on insects.
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It lives in flat land close to water.
It nests in pairs, on the ground. It lays between 3 and 5 eggs.
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It is a rather talkative species.
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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.
Groups of golden plovers in flight in winter plumage