Egyptian Goose
The Egyptian goose, by its scientific name Alopochen aegyptiaca, is a bird that lives in France, Spain, Great Britain, Germany, most countries in Africa and a very small part of Asia.
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It is a bird belonging to the Anatidae family and the Anseriformes order.
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She is recognizable by her beige and white head with the brown spot around her eyes. Its neck is white and beige. Its wings are gray, green and caramel. Its tail is black. Its belly is white and gray. Its beak is pink and black and its legs are pink.
In the Egyptian goose, it is impossible to recognize the female from the male.
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The Egyptian goose feeds mainly on plants, but also on seeds and cereals.
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She lives near the ponds.
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It nests in pairs, on the ground hidden in the vegetation. She lays 7-10 eggs .
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It is a fairly silent species.
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On the conservation status of IUCN, it is: LC Least concern.
Egyptian goose adult breeding plumage