Brent Goose
The Brent Goose, by its scientific name Branta bernicla, is a small goose that lives throughout Europe, Asia, Africa, North America and the Arctic.
It has a subspecies that can be found in Normandy. This one is: the pale-bellied brent goose .
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It is a bird belonging to the Anatidae family and the Anseriformes order.
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It is recognizable by its black head and neck including a white line, its back is gray, its belly and rump are white, and its tail is black. Its beak and legs are black.
In the Brent Goose, it is impossible to recognize the female from the male.
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Brent geese feed mainly on marine plants and algae.
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She lives near lakes and mudflats.
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It nests in pairs or in colonies, on the ground. She lays 2 to 5 eggs .
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It is a fairly silent species.
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On the conservation status of IUCN, it is: LC Least concern.
Group of migrating Brent Geese.