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Casarca shelduck

The casarca shelduck, scientifically named Tadorna ferruginea, is a surface duck that lives throughout Europe, Asia, North America, the Arctic and North Africa.

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It is a surface duck belonging to the Anatidae family and the order of the Anseriformes.

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This duck is recognizable with its white and beige head, the rest of its body is caramel / tawny orange, its tail is black and white. Its beak and legs are black.

In the casarca shelduck, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. Indeed, the male has a head whiter than the female as well as a black line at the level of the neck that the female does not have.

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The Casarca Shelduck feeds mainly on molluscs, crustaceans and plants.

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He lives mostly near water.

It nests in pairs, in old burrows like wild rabbits or hares or on the ground. It lays between 9 and 12 eggs.

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It is a fairly silent species.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.

Tadorne casarca.JPG

Shelduck adult female breeding plumage

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