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Mandarin duck

The mandarin duck, from its scientific name Aix galericulata, is a surface duck that lives throughout Europe and Asia.

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It is a surface duck belonging to the Anatidae family and the order of the Anseriformes.

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This duck is recognizable with its white, blue, green, beige and purple body, or black, gray and white, it depends on the sex.

In the mandarin duck, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. Indeed, the male has white, black, blue, purple, orange and beige plumage. The female is gray, black and white.

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The mandarin duck feeds mainly on marine insects, small fish, seeds and fruits.

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It lives mainly near ponds, lakes and ponds with vegetation.

It nests in pairs, in a hollow tree trunk. It lays between 9 and 11 eggs.

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It is a fairly silent species.

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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.


Mandarin duck adult male breeding plumage

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