The northern finch, scientifically named Fringilla montifringilla, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
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It is a bird belonging to the Finches family and the Passeriformes order.
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It is recognizable by its all-black or brown and gray head, white belly, orange throat, and black, brown, orange and white back. In the male, the bill is black during the breeding period, then is then yellow during the winter period. That of the female is yellow and black at the end throughout the year. The same goes for their legs being black in the male during the nuptial period then orange then and orange all the time in the female.
In the northern finch, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. In fact, the male has an entirely black head while that of the female is brown and gray.
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The northern finch feeds mainly on insects and seeds.
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It lives mainly in forests and sometimes in fields.
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It nests in pairs. In the forest, it nests at the top of a tree hidden by vegetation. It lays about 5-7 eggs.
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It is a fairly talkative species during the nesting period, if not very discreet.
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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.