Royal kite
The red kite, from its scientific name Milvus milvus, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Asia and Africa.
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It is a raptor belonging to the Accipitridae family and the order Accipitriformes.
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He is recognizable by his completely black, white and brown body and his gray head. Its beak is yellow and gray and its legs are yellow.
In the red kite, it is impossible to recognize the female from the male. With the exception of color, where the female is a bit lighter than the male.
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The red kite feeds mainly on invertebrates, rodents, frogs and lizards.
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It lives mainly in forests and sometimes in the countryside with large trees.
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It nests in pairs, at the top of a tree. The couple are faithful for life. It lays 2 to 4 eggs.
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It is a fairly silent species.
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On the IUCN conservation status, it is: NT Near Threatened.
Red Kite adult breeding plumage