Barn swallow
The barn swallow, by its scientific name Hirundo rustica, is a bird that lives all over the world except Antarctica.
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It is part of the Hirundinidae family, and of the Passeriformes order.
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It is recognizable with its completely blue back, its beige yellow belly and the outline of its red beak. Its beak and legs are black.
In barn swallows, it is impossible to recognize the male from the female.
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It feeds mainly on flying insects.
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The barn swallow lives near wetlands and buildings.
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She nests in pairs in a nest that the pair builds themselves from dried mud. The nest is often placed in a stable or barn. She lays about 3 to 5 eggs .
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It is a rather talkative species.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On the conservation status of IUCN, it is: LC Least concern.
Barn swallow adult breeding plumage
Barn swallow adult transitive plumage