Thrush drains
The Drain Thrush, from its scientific name Turdus viscivorus, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Asia and North Africa.
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It is part of the Turdidae family, and of the Passeriformes order.
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It is recognizable with its brown crown. Its belly is beige with brown spots. Its beak is black and its legs are orange.
In the draining thrush, it is impossible to recognize the male from the female.
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It feeds mainly on berries, worms and insects.
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The draining thrush lives in forests.
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It nests in pairs, in very thick and very tall trees. She lays 3 to 5 eggs . In the year, there are two broods.
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It is a rather talkative species.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
On the conservation status of IUCN, it is: LC Least concern.
Adult draining thrush in winter plumage