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Wood creeper

The wood creeper, from its scientific name Certhia familiaris, is a bird that lives throughout Europe and Asia.

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It is a bird belonging to the Certhiidae family and the Passeriformes order.

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He is recognizable with his white belly, brown, yellow, white and caramel back. Its beak is black and its legs are orange.

In the wood creeper, it is impossible to recognize the female from the male.

It is quite difficult to recognize the wood creeper from that of the gardens, we can really trust their different calls.

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The Wood Creeper feeds primarily on insects.

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He lives mostly in forests.

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It nests behind the bark of a tree. It lays about 5 to 6 eggs. In the year, there can be up to two spawns.

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It is a rather talkative species.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.

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