Ring-necked pheasant
The Ring-necked pheasant, by its scientific name Phasianus colchicus, is a bird that lives throughout Europe, Asia, North Africa, Oceania, Argentina and North America.
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It is a diurnal raptor belonging to the Phasianidae family and the order Galliformes.
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It is recognizable by its red, blue, green and white or tabby beige head (it depends on the sex), the rest of its tabby brown body, its black beak, and its yellow legs.
In the Ring-necked pheasant, it is possible to recognize the female from the male. Indeed, the male has a red, green, blue and white head, while the female has an entirely beige and brown tabby body.
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The Ring-necked pheasant feeds mainly on seeds, buds and fruits.
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He lives mainly in the countryside and in heavily wooded areas.
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The male is polygamous, that is to say he has a harem of several females. It nests in pairs, with its several females, in a nest on the ground, hidden in the tall grasses. It lays between 7 and 12 eggs.
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It is a rather talkative species.
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On the IUCN conservation status it is: LC Least concern.
Adult male pheasant in winter plumage